Financial Conduct Authority
Applicants using Veri-fy at the direction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) should remember that the FCA has a restricted list of ID checkers as follows
- Barrister
- Certified or Chartered Accountant
- Chartered Accountant
- Civil Servant - EO or above
- Dentist
- Director of a company registered in the UK**
- Doctor
- Further or Higher Education Principal or Registry staff
- Head Teacher
- Judge or holder of a Judicial Appointment
- Local or County Councillor
- Magistrate or Justice of the Peace
- Member of any UK Parliament or Assembly
- Minister of Religion
- Police Officer
- Prison Governor
- Regulated Person in the Financial Services Sector**
- Solicitor
This process can only be used if you can produce either or both a valid passport and /or a UK Photo - Driving Licence (Full or Provisional). If you cannot produce these, an alternative form can be requested from Veri-fy® via this email address: